Integrating Cross Sell with GemPages

Cross Sell is able to integrate with GemPages to help you be able to make more sales by giving your customers more choices of what they can buy from your store.

Here is how to go about it:

Step 1:

Install GemPages from Shopify App Store. After that, from your Shopify Dashboard open the GemPages app.

Step 2:

From the GemPages dashboard click on the Product tab.

Step 3:

Click on the product page that you want to add Cross Sell and you will be redirected to the editor.

Step 4:

Type Cross Sell on the search bar and make sure Elements tab is selected.

Step 5:

Drag the Cross Sell element to the page and place it where you would like the cross sells to be displayed.

Step 6:

Click on preview to see how it will look and if Satisfied you can Publish it.

You are Done!

If you have any queries about GemPages, please visit GemPages Academy or GemPages Youtube. Also you can contact GemPages Customer Support Team.

Finally for Cross Sells to be displayed on the GemPages, make sure you have already assigned handpicked cross sells / Upsells / Global products / Frequently Bought Together in your Cross Sell app. Visit our YOUTUBE channel for step by step videos.

Now you have your Cross Sells on your GemPages.

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